Getting Back To The Guitar – Music Theory Basics (Part 3)
We can continue on like we did previously in a continuous circle of our fifth
notes of each new scale until we find all the major scales. So we started at C
Major, went to G Major which had one sharp, then to D Major which had two
sharps, A Major, which has three sharps, and so on. Write out all the notes of
each of these major scales on a sheet of paper and keep them in front of you to
determine a song's key, or to know which notes to use within each key. Now, you
can play any note on your guitar, go up two frets to find the next note in that
key's major scale, go up another two frets for the next note, then one fret,
then two frets, then two frets again, then two frets again, and then one fret,
and you will have just found out the major scale for that beginning note. Pretty
nifty huh?Now we will get down a little deeper into the harmonies of each note
in our scale, which chords to play, and which chords were used in pretty much
every old rock and roll song. We can place a number value on each our C Major
scales' notes and learn another new formula that shows each notes' harmony. We
will start at C and call it 1, number fake oakleys the next
note D as a 2, E as a 3 and so on, from 1 to 8. This is another formula you can
just take at face value, memorize, and then apply. Here is the formula and then
I will explain after: 1-Major, 2-minor, 3-minor, 4-Major, 5-Major, 6-minor,
7-diminished, 8-Major. Taking our new numbered valued system where 1 is C, 2 are
D, 3 is E, 4 is F, and so on, we apply our previous formula to each of those
notes. Once applied, we now know the notes in cheap oakleys the
scales' harmonies by playing the specified chords. This would mean that the
chords for the key of C would be as follows: 1-C Major, 2-D minor, 3-E minor,
4-F Major, 5-G Major, 6-A minor, 7-B diminished, and 8-C Major again.In old rock
and roll, the first, fourth, and fifth chords where used as a main chord
progression. So play these three major chords in any key, and you will have a
basic progression. The 5th chord is known as the “turn around chord” that brings
you back to your first chord, or a different chord cheap ray bans to lead
into another verse, chorus, or bridge. Many old love songs included the 6th
chord, known as the relative minor chord into the mix as well. Now this becomes
a numbers game. You write out your major scales as we learned before, apply the
number value and major and minor chords accordingly, and then mess around with
those chords to come up with your own progression. Hopefully this short series
was helpful to some people, keep on learning and playing fake oakley sunglasses
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